A brand-new Film Pigs Podcast has arrived just in time to bless your Thanksgiving holiday (you know, the one in the United States everyone likes to pretend isn’t about genocide)! This episode is fun for the whole family, with the Pigs discussing the latest Hollywood abuse scandals and wondering why Mel Gibson seems to be getting a bizarre pass during this whole thing. Plus, the latest movie news, a fairly-easy-to-guess-who celebrity is put on trial, a poorly thought out game of trivia, banter, vamping, and so much more! Don’t forget the cranberry sauce!

That FARGO clip reminded me of when it came out on video. My local video store was independent so the guy who owned the store had to buy all the tapes himself. It wasn’t a franchise that got its stock delivered from a warehouse.
Anyway, I went in there back some time in ’97 and asked if he was going to get FARGO in to rent. As soon as I said the title he screwed up his face and said: “No, I’m not getting that crap! I watched a preview copy and it was bloody stupid! Just all these people going ‘Yah, yah, yah.'”
Mind you, he DID get in every movie Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson ever made.
As far as I’m concerned, that evens out.
If Stee can get Todd’s oafish character to make a Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson reference in the next series of YOU’RE THE WORST I will consider it a shout-out to me, one of your oldest fans.
You know I love you guys but you need to cut out the identity politics. I know might be hard because it’s probably all you hear in Hollywood but for people living in Normality it’s a turn off. We just want to be entertained, damn it.
As for Mel Gibson, I’m not sure how exactly he’s getting a pass. He was convicted of his crimes, he paid his debt to society and went through rehab and counseling to deal with his problems. He is now allowed to continue his life and work. That’s how justice in a civilized society works.
Sorry you didn’t like the episode, but I think you know us well enough to know we’re not going to change what we talk about in an attempt to please everyone or avoid serious subjects. 🙂 There are plenty of people in “Normality” that enjoyed this episode even though it may not have been up your alley.
I think an issue with Mel Gibson, that we didn’t quite delve into, was how he still doesn’t seem to have addressed all his issues. Yes, he has fulfilled his legal obligations (as far as I know) and he is free to work as he pleases. But the sheer viciousness of his misogynist and racist tirades are what keep me asking: has he ever really accounted for this or has he always blamed it on his alcoholism/anger issues? As a public figure, while I don’t think the public necessarily has a right to demand an answer from him, we certainly have a right to be asking the question.
Have any of you read Joe Eszterhas’s Kindle short ‘Heaven and Mel’?
Gibson hired him to write a biopic of the Maccabees, spending a lot of time with Mel at his home in Hawaii working on the script. And if even half of this shit is true then Mel Gibson is (or, at least, WAS) a far more disturbed individual that anybody thought.
You know the truly shocking amount of rage he had in those phone calls? Well imagine him doing that in a room full of people sitting down for dinner, then he would run out of the house screaming into the night.
It’s jaw-dropping stuff.
Read an article/interview about his experience but never Eszterhas’s whole version.