As usual, the Pigs discuss the latest releases without having any idea what they are talking about. They welcome guest star Gabriel Olds, celebrated actor. He imparts some wisdom on how to deal with fans when you are a major celebrity.

As usual, the Pigs discuss the latest releases without having any idea what they are talking about. They welcome guest star Gabriel Olds, celebrated actor. He imparts some wisdom on how to deal with fans when you are a major celebrity.
Damn, I thought it was Falk behind all the found footage. Guess we’ll have to wait for the sequel FOUND FOOTAGE 2 next Halloween for that twist.
I’ve seen Gabe’s episode of Law & Order, although not his SVU one (that I can remember), where he’s apparently not a rapist, but on Law & Order: Original Recipe, he actually was the bad guy and killed his dad, the lowly superintendent/janitor in the basement apartment.
That sounds right. He was a red herring in one episode and the actual bad guy in another.