I’m not a caveman and have TiVo to eliminate commercials, thus I’d never seen Todd’s latest commercial. So happy to have a new nickname for him.
I’m not a caveman and have TiVo to eliminate commercials, thus I’d never seen Todd’s latest commercial. So happy to have a new nickname for him.
That was priceless.
What was the OLD nickname for him?
The Gimp.
Oh, my God. This is the best commercial I’ve ever seen.
I’m delightful.
I now exclusively refer to him as Taun Slingdog Anderson.
You’d never believe how loud I shouted when I saw this for the first time. Like you were my best friend in elementary school and I’d just rediscovered you on my TV. How embarrassing. Then my husband said, “Hey, isn’t that the guy from Film Pigs?” and I didn’t feel so bad.