Winston Story! Popcorn! Rash Judgments! Fantastic Beasts! Bleed for This! Mark Ruffalo sketch! Exclamation points!
GeekNation Show #222 – Mail Story
Winston Story, storied actor of the television stories, triumphantly returns to the Film Pigs to lay down his particular brand of hysteria to Rash Judgments on The Arrival, Shut In, and Almost Christmas. And then the Pigs crack open the fan mail bag to answer all your questions!
GeekNation Show #221 – Trolling
Kether “K Dawg” Donohue of You’re the Worst fame is back for more shenanigans with the Piggies. Over some delicious popcorn they discuss Doctor Strange, Trolls, and Hacksaw Ridge, and then impart an important message for people who love the movies. Please watch. Please enjoy. Please fall in love with us.
GeekNation Show #220 – It’s So Scary, You Guys
It’s Halloween times. Kether Donohue is back to scare the heck out of you. Word of advice, though? Do NOT open that creepy basket!
GeekNation Show #219 – We’re with (Shannon) Hillary
Falk gets real punchy but guest Shannon Hillary handles it as best as anyone could! Too much popcorn! Too much Rash Judging! Too much Tom Cruise! You are welcome.
GeekNation Show #218 – Accounting For Taste
Stephen Falk returns to the set after shooting a season of television, and Pigs fave Shannon Hillary is on hand to help everyone with the transition. Popcorn is had, and it fuels discussions about movies based on cartoons you’ve never heard of and the wonders of thrillers about autistic action accountants. Whatever that is. Then, an important PSA. And would someone please help Todd?