Tag Archives: Thriller
Awesome/Stupid/Pointless: Valkyrie (2008)
- Yay! Real WWII airplanes! No CGI cartoons flying around (I think there may have been couple cartoons, but most planes were real).
- Very hard to fuck up costumes when you’re dealing with Nazis. Those guys had “malevolent chic” down like noboby’s business.
- Kenneth Branagh blows his own head off with a hand grenade. Continue reading Awesome/Stupid/Pointless: Valkyrie (2008)
Awesome/Stupid/Pointless: The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
- Keanu Reeves arrives on earth in a slimy spacesuit that is described as “like a placenta.”
- New York City is nearly completely destroyed by a giant cloud of robot nanobugs.
Continue reading Awesome/Stupid/Pointless: The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
Review – Taken (2008)
Commentary #26 – P2 (2007)

Happy holidays Film Pigs fans! In keeping with our marginally adhered to tradition of Christmastime-themed commentaries for the season, we bring you P2. It’s a story of thrills, survival and impossibly perky cleavage.
Set in a strange, alternate-reality New York City where the streets are barren after 6pm and people actually apologize for acting like assholes at the Christmas party (translation: Toronto), P2 tells the cautionary tale of why you should never be trapped in a Canadian parking garage with a psychotic killer during the holiday season. But if you are, for God’s sake just have dinner with the guy. ‘Tis the season! (IMDb)
Here are some highlights:
- Silly Elvis Impersonation By Crazy Man: 1
- Amazingly Graphic Crushed To Death By Car Scene: 1
- Stupidly Watertight Elevator: 1
- Dog Stabbing: 1
- Rolls Of Boob Tape: 4,017
TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.