In 1995, a terrifying vision of a possible dystopian future was unleashed into cinemas (or, more likely, a limited number of Blockbuster Video stores). In this impossible-to-imagine yet almost-frighteningly-real world, troublesome students who can’t decide whether they want to be moody goths or lunkheaded stoners are banished to the Animal Room; where they are allowed to be total dicks to Neil Patrick Harris. Because that will rehabilitate them. Or something. Any way you look at it, Matthew Lillard is all up in NPH’s grill.
What makes this movie so special is the presence of a fresh-faced Gabriel Olds as NPH’s only friend. This is important as Mr. Olds is a close personal friend of the Film Pigs and has joined this commentary for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this psychological thriller. Except that he can’t remember much and mostly just eats snacks while we make fun of his hair.
Don’t be tardy to the party.
NOTE: The Animal Room is currently available on Netflix Watch Instantly for those of you in the U.S. and possibly Canada.
TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie (chapter 1 for DVD/BD).