The Pigs round out their trilogy of holiday episodes with some rather challenging New Years Resolutions. Also, some more of the big holiday movie releases are lifted up or torn down, and popcorn is consumed without regard to health repercussions. The best part of this episode? Maybe the shirt tugging. The shirt tugging is amusing. Popcorn!
Tag Archives: Holiday Season
GeekNation Show #75 – The War on Christmas, Part Two
In a lot of trilogies, the second installment is the strongest entry. The Film Pigs don’t know if that’s true about this particular series of three holiday specials, and truth be told they don’t really care, but still they expose their deepest truths when they confess what means most to them about the holidays. Before your heart strings are tugged with the holiday sentiment, the Pigs get down and dirty about some of the big holiday movies floating around at the multiplexes. Also, as always, popcorn. And some passive aggressiveness, probably.
Commentary #46 – Turbulence (1997)

It’s just doesn’t feel like the holiday season unless a lunatic Ray Liotta is trying to kill you on an airplane! Celebrate Christmas with Film Pigs Todd & Skelton as they settle down for a screening of the 90’s disaster-thriller TURBULENCE! Get yourself a mug of nog and sync up the commentary with the movie so you can listen to the Pigs marvel at the signature “Crazy” Ray Liotta bad guy performance, the constantly-bewildered Lauren Holly, and the most Christmas decorations ever seen on a major airline flight.
TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.
GeekNation Show #74 – The War on Christmas, Part One
In this, the first of three special holiday episodes of the Film Pigs, the two Steves and the one Todd discuss some of the big holiday, Oscar-bait movie releases of the season. Then, as you (the not paying audience) have demanded, an all-new edition of Mayor of Movies comes at you like a fireball of fury. There is yelling, hilarity, and the consumption of popcorn. It’s everything. And it’s all yours.
Podcast #38 – Holiday Movies
With Stephen Skelton shanghaied in Poland, the Pigs that remain Stateside sit down and bang out the first structured podcast in months. That’s right! This ain’t no bacon…this is a rump roast…or something. Steve Falk and Todd Anderson discuss what makes a good holiday movie, why so many of them are bad, and why there are so many horror movies about Christmas. As if that kind of incredible conversation that nobody has ever had before isn’t enough, an unbelievably unpredictable round of movie jail will leave your head spinning, and then there’s a holiday edition of the Nic Cage Memorial Line Reading, AND a trivia game created by a listener! I don’t think a movie lover could ask for a better Christmas present! (Now, if Skelton was in country, there would be a time code list of the segments so you could skip ahead to your favorite ones. But he’s not here. Todd is lazy. So you are just going to have to wade through the boring parts to get to the gold nuggets. Tough shit.)
GeekNation Show #22 – The Christmas Special
The Pigs give you the gift of a list! The holidays are all about lists, so the guys get together to talk their favorite all-time holiday pictures.