Tag Archives: GeekNation

GeekNation Show #27 – Stand Up Needlepoint

With two absentee guys named Steve, Television’s Todd Robert Anderson is left to his own devices. After discussing the week’s big movie openings, he conducts the most controversial interview in internet history with special guest Ellen Schinderman about her very unique form of fine art. She calls it “Needleporn.” This is what happens when the Steves are away. The Todd will play. But porn is not allowed on the internet!!!

GeekNation Show #24 – He’s Urbaniak, Dancing Like He’s Never Danced Before!

The Pigs talk the latest releases with special guest James Urbaniak and get an expert lesson on acting from the virtuoso performer! Also, Leatherface claims a ginger victim! That may be the first in Texas Chainsaw history! (But we really don’t know, because no way are we going to screen all those damn movies just to be accurate in a description on the internet.)