The Pigs round out their trilogy of holiday episodes with some rather challenging New Years Resolutions. Also, some more of the big holiday movie releases are lifted up or torn down, and popcorn is consumed without regard to health repercussions. The best part of this episode? Maybe the shirt tugging. The shirt tugging is amusing. Popcorn!
Tag Archives: GeekNation
GeekNation Show #75 – The War on Christmas, Part Two
In a lot of trilogies, the second installment is the strongest entry. The Film Pigs don’t know if that’s true about this particular series of three holiday specials, and truth be told they don’t really care, but still they expose their deepest truths when they confess what means most to them about the holidays. Before your heart strings are tugged with the holiday sentiment, the Pigs get down and dirty about some of the big holiday movies floating around at the multiplexes. Also, as always, popcorn. And some passive aggressiveness, probably.
GeekNation Show #74 – The War on Christmas, Part One
In this, the first of three special holiday episodes of the Film Pigs, the two Steves and the one Todd discuss some of the big holiday, Oscar-bait movie releases of the season. Then, as you (the not paying audience) have demanded, an all-new edition of Mayor of Movies comes at you like a fireball of fury. There is yelling, hilarity, and the consumption of popcorn. It’s everything. And it’s all yours.
GeekNation Show #73 – MOM!
The Film Pigs. The Mayor of Movies. Scotch. This journey back through time uncovers the greatest of all recurring sketches that the Pigs do when they don’t actually want to write anything. And they get to yell stuff.
GeekNation Show #72 – The Best of Stephen J. Skelton
The Pigs continue their celebration of themselves by revisiting some of the most hilarious sketches created by Steve Skelton. So grab a tall glass of popcorn, and make sure you hit the restroom before you watch. You don’t want to laugh so hard you pee your pants. Or maybe you do? Weirdo.
GeekNation Show #71 – The Best of Todd Anderson
It’s a celebration of clip magic featuring stuff scribbled by everyone’s favorite ginger! Pour some popcorn and enjoy the hilarity with guest turns from days past by Clare Kramer and Kurt Fuller! It’s the time of your life!