GeekNation Show #171 – Revenge of the Piglettes

Kether Donohue is back to do a hostile takeover with fellow Piglettes Collette Wolfe and Eva Anderson. First they beat the boys at their own game with popcorn and movie talk and then give them a taste of their own medicine with the Film Pigs Interview!

GeekNation Show #170 – Walking and Talking

Aaron Sorkin darling J.D. Walsh is back to pretend he is Aaron Sorkin. It’s crazy meta, you guys. The hilarity begins with the requisite popcorn, Rash Judgments of By the Sea, The 33, and Love the Coopers. Then a behind the scenes look at how a genius writer makes his latest movie about somebody who invents something that changed the world forever. It’s super important, you guys.

Podcast #72 – Movies That Have Become TV Shows

as he starts his three-week odyssey of guesting on our shows (he’ll be appearing on our GeekNation web show starting next week). This episode, we’re talking movies that have become TV shows, the complete opposite of an episode topic suggested by listener @LiveFromKevin. We have no idea why Todd is being so passive-aggressive, Kevin.

BONUS: J.D. has directed a great short documentary about the lives of commercial actors called THE TALENT. Check it out!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #72 – Movies That Have Become TV Shows

GeekNation Show #167 – So Scary, You Guys

Darrell Britt-Gibson (The Wire, You’re the Worst) drops by for the first of a two episode stint on everyone’s favorite internet movie show that is quite often unfocused due to copious amounts of popcorn. He talks the latest releases with Todd, Steve and Steve, including movies with ghosts and movies starring Bill Murray. Then, the boys all read love letters to their favorite movie monsters of all time. Because it’s Halloween season. It’s super, super terrifying.