Podcast #74 – The Bacon: Why Was This Popular? + Golden Globes

With Skelton down with holiday plague, sommelier Stephen Falk takes fellow Film Pig Todd Robert Anderson on a sophisticated journey of wines, inexplicably acclaimed movies, Golden Globes, and much more on this special presentation of The Bacon. Also, they talk about going to a strip club in the Valley like a couple of creepy dads.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #74 – The Bacon: Why Was This Popular? + Golden Globes

GeekNation Show #175 – We Wanna Direct

Joshua Butler (@TheJoshuaButler), award-winning director of TV shows like The Vampire Diaries and The Following, drops by for some holiday cheer in the style of Pigginess. He takes us behind the scenes of a pitch meeting after talking about this week’s much anticipated major sci-fi movie release…Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip. (And here we put the words “Star Wars” as a cheap way to get extra viewers.)

GeekNation Show #173 – Jingle Part of the Way Anyway

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! At the Cineplex! There is Oscar bait and winter tent pole pictures and the Pigs are here to sort it out for you, as well as drink a lot of popcorn and get silly. Also, it’s time for the annual Pigs’ Letters to Santa! The weather outside is frightful, but these dummies are just delightful!

GeekNation Show #172 – Science’s Thanksgiving Sciencing

The Piglettes return in the form of Kether Donohue, Collette Wolfe and Eva Anderson to provide you with a much needed break from your horrible, horrible family. They enjoy popcorn. They talk the big Turkey Day movies. Then, as if that isn’t all you need, they blind you with science.

Podcast #73 – TV Shows That Have Become Movies

Happy Turkey Day everyone! The Film Pigs are back with a podcast for November. This time, it’s the Mirror Universe version of last month’s podcast: we’re talking TV shows that have become movies. Plus movie news culled by 40’s street urchins using questionable language, a long overdue courtroom drama, some genuine weirdness in line readings, a spectacular game that makes Todd mad right from the get-go, and so much more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #73 – TV Shows That Have Become Movies