The impossibly handsome Lombardo Boyar is back again this week to talk the latest Wayans parody and the new CGI water disaster movie with the old, old boys. More importantly, a very important public service announcement that is super important. For the children.
GeekNation Show #180 – For Your Lack of Consideration
The great Lombardo Boyar is back to giggle with Steve, Todd and Steve about January dump movies and awards shows. Then, he unveils a trailer for his new undercover cop potboiler!
GeekNation Show #179 – Best Movie Times Now
Jonathan Mangum joins the Pigs (along with some surprise guests) to slog through the dumping ground releases of the week, and then pitch a movie idea specifically for a January release. Sound insane? It totally is.
GeekNation Show #178 – Here We Go Again
It’s January, so essentially the Film Pigs are here to tell you everything in the theatres is garbage. Luckily, the luminescent Alixandrée Antoine is on hand to help the medicine go down. And look for some special guests, all drunk on popcorn, when the Pigs talk the worst movies they’ve ever seen!
GeekNation Show #177 – New Year’s Piggin’ Eve
It’s a New Year special the likes of which you haven’t seen since Jamie Kennedy did that thing one time! Jonathan Mangum, Joshua Butler, Alixandrée Antoine and Shannon Hillary join Steve, Steve and Todd to ring in the new year Film Pig style! New Year resolutions, Rash Judgments, and popcorn! Huzzah!
GeekNation Show #176 – Piggies Were Stirring
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the GeekNation studio, not a creature was stirring, except a bunch of those crazy Pigs! And Shannon Hillary was there to bring cheer and there was a bunch of surprise guests talking about their favorite trips to the movies on Christmas. Also, the egg nog has no eggs or nog in it, just booze. And Rash Judgments on the big Christmas Day releases came on the crest of a new fallen snow. Merry Christmas to all, and let’s all stay up all night…watching movies! Happy holidays, folks.