Podcast #76 – Rotten Tomatoes 0% Movies

We almost did it! We almost recorded a podcast for February, but even with the extra day this leap year we managed to screw it up. Anyway, here’s an early March podcast! This episode we’re talking movies that have achieved the dreaded 0% fresh rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes.com. Plus, movie news, movie jail, a double bizarre line reading, a honest-to-goodness game with actual rules, and more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #76 – Rotten Tomatoes 0% Movies

GeekNation Show #184 – Mangum the Witch

Do you like man? Do you like gum? Then you are going to love Jonathan Mangum! You know him from Whose Line Is It Anyway and Let’s Make a Deal, and a whole mess of appearances right here on the Film Pigs. He’s here to enjoy some popcorn, talk about witches and races and the Son of God, and impart an important public service announcement about Star Wars. So watch it. Even if you aren’t in to man or gum, you’ll still have a good time. No, really.

GeekNation Show #182 – Pride and Prejudice and Pigs

In this very special episode of the Film Pigs, actor Darin Toonder drops by to first discuss this week’s releases including Hail, Caesar and Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. Then, he and the Pig boys take on the very heated issue of white-washing in Hollywood. And who better to hassle with that controversy than a bunch of middle-aged white dudes?

Podcast #75 – Animated Features For Adults

It’s the first podcast of 2016, people! And boy, do the Pigs have a great one for you this time. We’re talking animated features made for adults, we’re talking the latest and greatest movie news, we’re talking a special parole hearings edition of Movie Jail, we’re talking bizarre line readings, we’re talking a game that is a legitimate quiz and not some silly make-em-up we usually do, and we’re talking so much more. Because this is a podcast. It would be weird if there was no talking.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #75 – Animated Features For Adults