Podcast #79 – The Bacon: Speaking Seagal (Sniper: Special Ops)

The Film Pigs follow in the grand tradition of television networks that wanted a cheap way to retain their hit show audiences for an extra half hour of advertising sales by launching our first-ever after show: Speaking Seagal! This episode of The Bacon is a companion to our commentary of the movie Sniper Special Ops, part of our innovative summer series to kill time while Falk is shooting the latest season of You’re the Worst. Watch your six!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #79 – The Bacon: Speaking Seagal (Sniper: Special Ops)

Commentary #49 – Sniper: Special Ops (2016)


The Film Pigs are Oscar Mike with a brand new commentary! With fellow Pig Stephen Falk missing-in-action, it’s up to Todd and Skelton to cowboy up and finish the mission. But this latest Seagal direct-to-video mumble show is a relentless enemy and no man escapes unscathed. Once you’ve finished this commentary, have a listen to our after-show Speaking Seagal on our podcast. It’s a dumb gimmick we’ll be doing all summer long! Welcome to the suck!

TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.

GeekNation Show #198 – Why Not Rock?

Ever wonder how to act getting shot in the movies? Well, let the Film Pigs and getting shot expert Charlie Weirauch mansplain it to you! And that isn’t all the mansplaining they will do. Oh, no! They will also mansplain about the movies coming out this weekend, including that new X-Men thing and whatever weird make-up show Johnny Depp is doing. It’s popcorn time, kids!

GeekNation Show #197 – Agee With Us

You didn’t get enough of Steve Agee on the Film Pigs last week, did you? Well, good news! The tall guy is back for my hijinks! He downs some popcorn with the boys, talks about the week’s big movie releases including Neighbors 2 and The Nice Guys, and then he unveils a world premier trailer for an upcoming movie in which he stars! Wowza!

GeekNation Show #196 – Long and Tall

The mighty Steve Agee returns to the Film Pigs to talk with the popcorn swilling fellas about Money Monster, The Darkness, and The Lobster. That’s a whole lot of movies that nobody is going to see because the latest Marvel thing is only in its second week. But this is a weekly show, and it’s so very important that you have a laugh at the expense of movies. Also, Mr. Agee has a very serious complaint about discrimination in Hollywood.