Somehow timed perfectly with the release of the Friday the 13th reboot in theaters, Anchor Bay released this DVD documentary about the history of the franchise. It is essentially made for those fans that are religous about Jason and his silly movies, but those of us who simply enjoy these slasher films for their irresponsible but highly amusing nonsense will get out a kick out of it as well. Continue reading Straight-to-DVD Corner with Tonn Slingdog: His Name Was Jason
Review – Friday The 13th (2009)
The Sopranos, Uncensored
the sopranos, uncensored. from victor solomon on Vimeo.
Every single swear word uttered on The Sopranos in chronological order. Nearly half an hour of juvenile giggles. NSFW, unless you work for organized crime. In which case it’s a human resources training video.
Review – Taken (2008)
The Most Important Debate Ever
Last night Todd and I got into a drunken argument over where is the best place to go in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse. I grab a boat and travel to an island free from zombies, remaining mobile for forays back to mainlands for supplies, if necessary. Todd goes to Montana or some other low-population area and builds a fortress.
Who is right? Me? Todd? Neither? Discuss.