Category Archives: All Posts

This is it. All the posts to the Film Pigs site in one giant, cumbersome list.

I Got This For Free: Ultraviolet

poster_ultraviolet_pg-13So I got a PlayStation 3 and there was this rebate for 5 Blu-ray discs – the catch was you could only select from a horribly crippled list of possibilities (and you had to select from different tiers with only a few titles available on each tier, making selection of 5 decent titles virtually impossible and causing this sentence to run on and on and on…). Anyway, I sent off the rebate 6-8 weeks ago and forgot about it. Continue reading I Got This For Free: Ultraviolet

Stee’s Thoughts On The Darjeeling Limited

poster_darjeeling_limited…as written in a text message to a friend while watching the movie:

“There is a lot of really awesome stuff about The Darjeeling Limited. It is also an unforgivably meandering and kind of deeply shitty movie. It’s more self-gazing and tickled by its own imagined awesomeness than Paris Hilton getting fucking in a hall of mirrors.”

Okay, well, granted, that text message is pretty tickled by its own imagined awesomeness too, but at least I didn’t make a movie out of it. Continue reading Stee’s Thoughts On The Darjeeling Limited

Commentary #21 – Disturbia (2007)


The Film Pigs just can’t get enough of that charming Shia LaBeouf! This time he stars as an impulse-control challenged and slightly pervy teenager under house arrest in this modern take on Hitchcock’s classic Rear Window. Major difference: Disturbia has a flaming bag of dogshit that is noticeably absent from Hitchcock’s version. Not that you should read anything into that. Also, Grace Kelly has been replaced by a skinny teenage girl and an iPod. David Morse is, as always, extremely menacing. He frightens us. Somebody make him leave Shia and Dr. House alone. (IMDb)

TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.