Category Archives: Blog
Sometimes we get tired of complaining in audio and video format. This is where we come to post our finger rants.
Jason and Todd Are Back
The Film Pigs’ favorite podcast (other than their own and maybe Walking the Room and anything about sex that Todd can find) is back! It’s Jason and Todd Talk Through Lousy Films, and episode four is about a little known DIY picture called GETEVEN. It’s pronounced just the way it sounds…so if you are starved for Pigs podcasts, at least one of them is part of this: It’s also available on iTunes. And we promise, the Pigs is working on getting together to record some new episodes of their own. But scheduling is hard, yo.
Film Pigs Podcast #42 Video Highlights: 2 Quiz 2 Furious!
Check it out! Some really excellent professional grade video from our last podcast recording session, coming to you from our brand-new YouTube channel! Please go there and subscribe. It is the only thing that gives our lives meaning. The Film Pigs YouTube Channel
A Lovely Companion Podcast For Film Pigs Fans!
I, the great Todd Anderson, sat down with Los Angeles critic Jason Rohrer to yammer our way through the eighties cult classic “CHUD.” No, it’s not a commentary. It’s two malcontents talking about everything from altercations with homeless people to getting free swag from movie studios. Check it out here , and subscribe on iTunes.
Nicolas Cage Roulette
Netflix subscription + = Always. Random. Wig.
Forget Movie Jail, McTiernan’s Headed To Real Jail
I know we were probably expecting this for Rollerball, but turns out it’s something else entirely.
Die Hard director John McTiernan has lost his appeal to have a one-year prison sentence overturned for lying to the FBI in a wiretapping case. –BBC News