All posts by Film Pigs

Commentary #40 – Drive Angry (2011)


“So, it’s about this guy who escapes from Hell and goes on a rampage to save his granddaughter from some guys and he drives a car all over the place. It’s CRAZY!”

“This is another Nic Cage thing, isn’t it?”

“He’s attached, yes.”

(audible sigh)

“But William Fichtner‘s signed on to play a supernatural accountant!”

“I LOVE Bill Fichtner. Alright, I’m greenlighting this picture. Just make sure it’s in 3D.” (IMDb)

TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.

Podcast #14 – Sports Movies

DUN-DUN-CHAH! DUN-DUN-CHAH! Get our your jerseys, pennants and giant foam hands, because the Film Pigs are talking Sports Movies! Seriously, get them out. And get seven other friends to join you. So you can paint letters onto your bellies. DO IT! This episode, the Pigs discuss America’s celluloid pastime that is the Sports Movie, bring you up-to-the-possibly-week-old Movie News, expose a professional’s cinema crimes in Movie Jail, play the world’s most exciting game of Movieball, and more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #14 – Sports Movies

Commentary #39 – Season Of The Witch (2011)


“Thanks for taking this meeting. I’ve got a great movie for you. We take Nic Cage and Ron Pearlman, send them to Eastern Europe for a couple months (Ron’s already there, it’s his off-season from Sons Of Anarchy), and have them run around as knights from the Crusades escorting this hot girl in a cage who everybody thinks is a witch and stuff. And they’ll act like they’re in a buddy-cop movie. We’ll put poor, old Christopher Lee in hideous makeup and Ron will have this giant wound on his head that won’t heal, even though they’ve been walking around for months. And we’ll name the picture after that Donovan song so people will think the movie is either a biopic or a car commercial. …Yes, I said Nic Cage. What’s the problem?” (IMDb)

TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.

Podcast #13 – The Leading Lady

A few weeks ago, the Film Pigs recorded what could only be considered their finest, wittiest, most insightful, and tightest podcast ever. Then, GarageBand crashed and ate the whole thing. After a respectful mourning period, the Pigs regrouped and did it again – because they are amazing professionals. Who have a lot of free time.

This episode, the Pigs explore the role of The Leading Lady, expose cutting-edge Movie News, send another film professional to Movie Jail, engage in an exciting and educational round of Trivia, and more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #13 – The Leading Lady

Podcast #12 – Live-Action Family Films

The Film Pigs are back with another podcast jam-packed with wit, humor, and style. Of course, all of those qualities are encrypted using the finest digital stenography so you will have to listen to us talk about movies instead. This episode, we reflect on the demise of the Live-Action Family Film, talk about movie details that annoy us in a brand new segment, put a professional on trial for crimes against cinema, have an exciting one-line audition competition, and more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #12 – Live-Action Family Films