All posts by Film Pigs

Podcast #21 – The Bacon: Stephen J. Skelton

We’re back with another exciting episode of The Bacon, where the Film Pigs veer off their regular format to focus in on a particular subject. This episode, we batten down the hatches and steam full speed ahead into Stephen Skelton, even though we know it’s very rude to batten down hatches and run full steam into someone. Insightful questions lead to perplexing answers about how someone could possibly drive band nerds away with something even nerdier, an example of how Roger Moore is awesome and Jean-Claude Van Damme is kind of a dick, and a truly haunting selection for a threesome.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #21 – The Bacon: Stephen J. Skelton

Podcast #20 – Female-Driven Action Movies

It’s a return to form as the Film Pigs discuss Female-Driven Action Movies and why Hollywood doesn’t make more of them. Plus, hot-off-the-presses movie news, a precedent-setting session of Movie Jail, the Nic Cage Memorial Bizarre Line reading, a highly-stressful game of Taglines!, and TV’s Todd Robert Anderson gets everybody a beer!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #20 – Female-Driven Action Movies

Podcast #19 – The Bacon: Stephen Falk

This episode, the Film Pigs Podcast takes off in a bold new direction with The Bacon! We cast off our regular podcast format and delve deep into the mysterious psyche of Stephen Falk, whom we get to know on a deep personal level within the confines of the 37-minute running time. No detail is spared, including how many copies of pornographic VHS tapes he’s been gifted with over the years.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #19 – The Bacon: Stephen Falk

Podcast #18 – John Carpenter

What do you have to be thankful for this holiday season? Why, an extended episode of The Film Pigs Podcast, of course! This episode, the Pigs discuss the work of John Carpenter (including why Kurt Russell is awesome and underrated), puzzle over movies they hate but everybody else loves in a new segment, hear from their good friend Tonn Slingdog, create dazzling movie ideas in a rousing game of Pitch Me, and more! So very much more! My God, there’s so much, very much, more.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #18 – John Carpenter