A common refrain is that there is too much Computer Generated Image VFX in movies that dilute the experience. But what about when CGI VFX work to enhance a movie as seamlessly as the best practical effects? The Pigs break it down in a thoughtful discussion, then follow up with courtroom drama, the latest news, and a game with the worst clues ever.
All posts by Film Pigs
Podcast #138 – Actors Who Died Too Soon
Yeah, yeah, we know we missed July. But we’re in some kind of mega-dumb double pandemic and it’s making us forgetful. Get vaccinated, mask up, and listen to the latest Film Pigs podcast about actors who died too soon.
Podcast #137 – The Fast Saga
We’re back, baby! For the first time in over a year of pandemic quarantine, the Film Pigs return with a regular podcast! And this time, it’s in person! With only minor mic issues, this podcast is a very special return to form with your favorite movie news, a discussion about the FAST & FURIOUS franchise, courtroom drama, a Todd-enraging game, and so much more. The Film Pigs Podcast: now fully vaccinated!
Podcast #136 – Charles Grodin
The Pigs return for a May show with all hands on deck! That’s right, it’s a regular format podcast with all 3 pigs in attendance. Please enjoy our show dedicated to the late, great Charles Grodin. Plus, the usual segments you’ve been missing the past few shows: news, courtroom drama, games, and more!
NOTE: New evidence presented after the court had adjourned appears to exonerate Vanessa Redgrave. The prosecution is expected to drop all charges.
Podcast #135 – The Bacon: Comfort Food Movies
Just under the wire for April, and one Pig short, the Film Pigs present an episode of The Bacon – this time talking Comfort Food Movies: those genres or specific movies you can watch over and over again. But not before extended discussion about the status of Todd’s b-hole. Spoiler Alert: It’s fantastic!
Podcast #134 – The Bacon: Director’s Cuts
We’ve reached the end of March, and to celebrate the rollout of pandemic vaccines (yes, they are real and they work) the Film Pigs bring you a very special episode of The Bacon! This time, Falk wasn’t available but Todd and Skelton talk Director’s Cuts in a very soothing NPR-ish style that takes a critical but fair look at Zack Snyder’s Justice League and other director’s cuts – most of which are less than FOUR HOURS LONG!