All posts by Film Pigs

Commentary #43 – The Room (2003)


The Film Pigs did not hit her! We did not–oh, hi, you guys. We did not see you there. What are you doing up here on the roof, just sitting with the football and thinking? Ha ha! That is so great! Maybe later after we are finished working at the bank we can get all our friends together for a party where we watch The Room. It is a really intense movie, guys. Full of love, friendship, betrayal, awkward nudity, football tossing, locations filmed without the proper permits, visible weight fluctuations, and rooftop green screens. You are tearing us apart, Lisa!

TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.

Podcast #32 – Gory Special Effects

We’re back! Better late than never! Unless you hate us, in which case this is terrible news! This time, we’re talking “gags”, or gory special effects. You know, the real gross stuff that gives you that quality nausea you can’t get from computer generated barf. Plus, the latest useless movie news, a movie jail trial with a surprise twist ending, a bizarre line reading, a trivia game that is actually a honest-to-God trivia game and not some stupid nonsense made up by Skelton, and more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #32 – Gory Special Effects

Podcast #31 – Cop Movies

Here we go again! After the stars align in our schedules, the Film Pigs return with a brand-new podcast! This time we’re talking a Hollywood staple: the Cop Movie. Expect lots of loose cannons being too close to the case, along with Movie News, Movie Jail, the Nic Cage Memorial Bizarre Line Reading, a fresh Straight to DVD Corner with Tonn Slingdog, a Cold Reading, fun and games, a squawking bird, a raccoon in a tree, and Falk’s agitated dog.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #31 – Cop Movies