All posts by Film Pigs

Podcast #37 – The Bacon: Todd’s Movie Career

Yes, it’s another Bacon episode. Yes, we’re talking about Todd again. Cut us some slack, we’ve been working and Falk’s been stuck in NY without power. Although, Todd usually has pretty good stories about shows he’s worked on, so this isn’t so bad.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

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GeekNation Show #15 – We’re Dirty Dancing As Fast As We Can

The Pigs talk James Bond and unearth some amazing outtakes from the eighties coming-of-age dance classic, Dirty Dancing. Also, a never-before-seen trailer for the upcoming drama about one of our nation’s presidents who is not Abraham Lincoln. Popcorn!

GeekNation Show #14 – We Got Walshed

Matt Walsh joins the Film Pigs to discuss the week’s big releases, teach an important lesson about improvisation, and he begrudgingly indulges them with their ill-prepared, jealousy-fueled, and awkwardly executed interview. But, hey, it could have been worse. He got to have some delicious popcorn.

GeekNation Show #12 – MisTaken

The Film Pigs are back with their twelfth episode! Not only do they fearlessly skewer the movies themselves, but they also take you on a journey behind the scenes of the entertainment industry. Before a movie hits the theater, before it is edited, before it is shot, before it is even written…some poor screenwriter has to convince a studio executive that there is a movie in his or her story.