It’s a celebration of clip magic featuring stuff scribbled by everyone’s favorite ginger! Pour some popcorn and enjoy the hilarity with guest turns from days past by Clare Kramer and Kurt Fuller! It’s the time of your life!
All posts by Film Pigs
Podcast #48 – Animals In Movies
Can it be? Another Film Pigs Podcast in the same month? And a regular episode to boot? Not any of this Bacon junk Todd and Skelton keep pushing on you? You’re not imagining things, people, this is a brand-new podcast in the classic format you know and love. Well, except for the fact that Falk and Skelton wind up Todd more than usual. And Falk didn’t prepare his own work. And Skelton didn’t have important information available (FYI, Allen Garfield played Max Wolfe).
This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:
Continue reading Podcast #48 – Animals In MoviesGeekNation Show #70 – The Best of Stephen Falk
This week, the Pigs continue their hiatus with some classic clips. This time they celebrate the writings of Stephen Falk, revisiting three classic sketches from the successful scribe of screen entertainments. Steve Agee and Bill Cosby both pop up in the shenanigans! Popcorn!
GeekNation Show #69 – Show Biz Kids
On this very special episode of the Film Pigs, host Todd Robert Anderson gets serious. He addresses a hot button issue in Hollywood, slamming stage parents who force their children into the often cruel world of the entertainment industry. This time, the popcorn is cut with the tears of innocents.
GeekNation Show #68 – Pudding Pops and Machine Guns
The Film Pigs revisit two of their favorite celebrity impersonations with sketches featuring Bill Cosby and Sylvester Stallone. So grab some pudding pops, a big hunting knife, and a tall bottle of popcorn for this invigoratingly nostalgic walk down memory lane.
Podcast #47 – The Bacon: Movies We’ve Seen In 2013
You can say a lot of things about the Film Pigs, but you can never say we’re consistent or on time with anything. Thanks to Falk having a functioning career, Todd and Skelton are left to their own devices and deliver a Bacon episode discussing the movies they’ve actually gone to theaters to see this year. Note: this episode was recorded before the release of ENDER’S GAME, which got this review from Todd: “I had low expectations, but it was way better than I thought it would be.”
This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:
Continue reading Podcast #47 – The Bacon: Movies We’ve Seen In 2013