The hilarious Lombardo Boyar joins the Pigs yet again, this time to talk about Liam Neeson and the latest Taken picture. The boys seem…like maybe they’ve had too much popcorn? Well, maybe that’s a good thing, because they are going to tell you some of the most personal memories they have of coming of age with the movies. It’s punch drunk movie mayhem!
All posts by Film Pigs
GeekNation Show #125 – The Dumping Ground
It’s January, and there’s nothing good coming to a theater near you. That’s January for you. But who cares? There’s always popcorn and the gorgeous Clare Kramer stops by to celebrate garbage movies with the boys. Happy New Year!
GeekNation Show #124 – Resolved
Alixandree Antoine, favorite Pigs guest star, returns at long last to class up the joint. But she’s not above popcorn, talking movies, and publicly stating her movie resolutions for the new year. Ho ho ho, and an oink to you!
Podcast #62 – The 20 Highest-Grossing Movies of 2014
The sleigh bells are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE! That’s right, Santa has crept down your chimney and left you the best present ever: a brand-new Film Pigs Podcast! This holiday miracle has got everything: 10+ day old movie news, a riveting review of the year’s biggest films, a somber courtroom drama, strange actor mouth words, a breathtaking game, and enough holiday spirit for 3 Scrooges! Merry ChristKwanzaaChanukahOrYouKnowWhateverMas!
This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:
Continue reading Podcast #62 – The 20 Highest-Grossing Movies of 2014GeekNation Show #123 – Letters to Santa
Winston Story is back to play with the Film Pigs! They have popcorn, judge movies rashly, and tell Santa their movie wishes for 2015. Happy Holidays, Pigs fans!
Podcast #61 – The Theatre Going Experience
Seasons greetings Film Pigs listeners! We couldn’t let the holiday season pass you buy without a new podcast! And a regular episode to boot! It’s a Christmas miracle! Unless you don’t believe in miracles, in which case it’s just a happy event in an otherwise chaotic universe! News, intense discussion, legal proceedings, games and more await!
This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:
Continue reading Podcast #61 – The Theatre Going Experience