All posts by Film Pigs

Commentary #48 – After Earth (2013)


It’s the first new Pigs movie commentary in a long, long time to feature all three pigs! And how do we choose to celebrate this special occasion? By sitting through the Will/Jaden Smith starring, M. Knight Shyamalan directed AFTER EARTH! It’s the timeless story of a rich movie star using his influence to get a clunky science fiction movie made featuring his son. Who can’t relate to that? So, curl up in your favorite space hammock and enjoy! Watch out for the meatball!

TO SYNC WITH MOVIE: Start this commentary 10 seconds after starting movie.

GeekNation Show #135 – Radio Raheem, Part 2

Remember how last week the Pigs talked about movies they thought would be great but turned out to be lousy? Well, this week they turn it around! They discuss movies they thought they would hate, but turned out to love. Love. Hate. You get the title of this two part episode now? Even if you don’t, the Pigs still drink their popcorn, talk the week’s big releases, and have a jolly old time.

Podcast #64 – Women in Comedy Movies

You didn’t think we were going to let February end without a brand-new podcast, did you? You did? That’s fair, we’re not good with scheduling. But you get a new podcast, anyway! This one has everything: movie news, movie discussion, exciting games, a surprisingly sober and thoughtful Todd, plus the return of fan-favorite* Tonn Slingdog. (*There is no basis for this claim.)

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

Continue reading Podcast #64 – Women in Comedy Movies

GeekNation Show #133 – Sports!

Sports journalists and hosts of the Land O’Lakers podcast, the Kamenetzky brothers — Andy and Brian – are hanging with the Film Pigs! They weigh in on some of the week’s big feature releases, and then unveil a trailer for an all-new sports movie! You know what goes great with sports? Popcorn!