What better way to celebrate the release of John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum than with a Film Pigs podcast dedicated to the man himself, Keanu Reeves? Don’t answer that! There is no better way! There! Is! No! Better! WAY! This episode has everything: thoughtful discussion on the career up-and-downs and the enduring star presence of Reeves, the latest movie news, courtroom drama aimed at entitled fans, a trivia game no one can get angry at but still manage to a little bit, and Todd’s dumb cousin reviewing some straight-to-video movie starring Mel Gibson’s kid. Prepare for war!
All posts by Film Pigs
Podcast #111 – Falk Thinks Marvel Movies Are For Dumb Babies
What better way to celebrate the opening week of AVENGERS: ENDGAME, the culmination of a decade’s worth of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, than a Film Pigs podcast centered around Falk airing his grievances with the entire franchise? Don’t answer that, because you’re getting Falk airing his grievances with the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise anyway. Plus, movie news,
Podcast #110 – Spielberg vs Netflix
After a series of illnesses, the Film Pigs are back with a brand-new podcast for March! This episode is a thoughtful discussion on what defines a movie, in the wake of Steven Spielberg’s argument against Netflix releases qualifying for Oscars instead of Emmys. Plus, movie news, a trip to the courtroom, a bizarre line reading, games, and so much more!
Podcast #109 – Liam Neeson
What better way to celebrate the first podcast of 2019 than with a huge technical disaster! We blew out our recording this time, so it’s best to pretend the sound on this episode is using a deliberate Bad Cellphone Connection filter in a meta nod to our episode’s subject: Liam Neeson! Other than the 80’s Miami Vice (more meta!) brick phone sound quality, this is a regular episode with all the fixins: movie news, a discussion on the career of Liam Neeson, movie jail courtroom drama, a game of threatening phone calls, and so much more!
Podcast #108 – The Bacon: Sex Offender Xmas
I’m dreaming of a White (middle-aged) Pigsmas! Our last episode of 2018 is another Bacon episode with Todd and Falk, yet somehow Skelton is left writing the copy for this blurb. And Todd didn’t tell him what the episode was about. I think it may mostly consist of a Christmas-themed sort of game or something? I don’t know. I’m sure it’s fine. Happy War on Christmas to all from the Film Pigs!
Podcast #107 – The Bacon: Mismarketed Movies
Guess what it’s time for? That’s right, everybody’s favorite kind of Pigs pod: the Bacon! In this episode two of the Pigs talk mismarketed movies, especially the current Widows. In addition, there are conversations about poor behind-the-scenes behavior, humble brags about celebrity encounters, and a phone message from a fan (who is actually a friend from college, but we gotta spin what we can spin, you guys.) But at no point do they talk shit about the Pig who is not there, nor talk shit about famous people, nor do they covet each other’s wives.