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The Chinese Theatre won’t be the same without those costumedĀ rapscallions.
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The Chinese Theatre won’t be the same without those costumedĀ rapscallions.
Steven Seagal: Lawman on A&E. I’ve never seen so many people thrilled to be arrested before in my life. This show is awesome! Continue reading A Steven Seagal Trifecta!
Amazing! I was unable to fully articulate just why I didn’t like Avatar before this! Thanks Mars Hill Church! You’ve opened my eyes to ludicrous religious intolerance! I will likewise focus my fear and derision on pop-culture nonsense! Praise Jesus and TiVo!
Former 1980s teen movie actor and heartthrob Corey Haim died early Wednesday, authorities said. (via CNN)
It’s a strange feeling, like hearing about the passing of someone you knew in high school but haven’t talked to in years.
Plus, it has the original Tron: Bruce FUCKING Boxleitner! AND cranky old Jeff Bridges vs. possibly-evil YOUNG Jeff Bridges Computer Program. And No. 13 from “House M.D.” dressed like a neon porn star from a Stanley Kubrick wet dream. Continue reading TRON Sequel Gets Points For Not Being A Reboot
“As long as I’m alive, and as long as I’m rich, the New Beverly will be there, showing double features in 35mm,” Tarantino said. (from The Hollywood Reporter)
He’d already been paying the rent for some time, then just bought the place outright to keep the family-run place going. I’ve bashed his last few movies, but have to give the man credit for walking the walk. You don’t see Paul McCartney taking out his ludicrously giant wallet to save Abbey Road.