The Quaids speak on GMA! (scoop via Stephen Falk by way of The Hollywood Reporter). They also provide a completely plausible explanation for Mel Gibson’s recent behavior.
The Quaids speak on GMA! (scoop via Stephen Falk by way of The Hollywood Reporter). They also provide a completely plausible explanation for Mel Gibson’s recent behavior.
For your last-minute Halloween blood needs.
The most adorable crime-fighting machine ever. Best part: he’s actually in Detroit! (original article and more pics at Sweet Juniper!)
Dog the Bounty Hunter has announced his intention to hunt down the Quaids on the George Lopez show. Right after he captures Osama Bin Laden. Is there anything Dog and his mighty mullet can’t do?
Also, here’s some video on the BBC of the Quaids in Canada requesting asylum. Best part is the end where the tired Canadian official reads from the crazy-scratch in their note.
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – A prosecutor in California says Randy Quaid and his wife have been arrested in Canada and their bail increased to $500,000 apiece. (via Daily News)
Wherever they go, the Quaids leave a trail of destruction in their path. Will justice finally be done? This is a Lifetime MOTW I really, really want to see.
VANCOUVER (Reuters) – Hollywood actor Randy Quaid and his wife, wanted in the United States on vandalism charges, are seeking refugee status in Canada, saying on Friday they feared for their lives. (via Yahoo!)
Now Randy thinks that he’s next on the list of an elaborate actor-murdering conspiracy (“Yes, we are seeking asylum from Hollywood star whackers.”), so the natural thing to do is for the Quaids to try and immigrate to Canada. They also have a puppy.
SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Barbara Billingsley, who gained the title supermom for her gentle portrayal of June Cleaver, the warm, supportive mother of a pair of precocious boys in “Leave it to Beaver,” has died. She was 94. (Yahoo!)
Barbara Billingsley was most famous as June Cleaver, but she will always be the Jive Lady to me.