Podcast #94 – Movies About Summer

Surprise! It’s a brand-new, all hands on deck, regular Film Pigs podcast! Fresh off shooting the latest season of You’re The Worst, Stephen Falk is back and the Pigs are talking movies about summer! Plus, all the usual shenanigans: the sort of latest movie news, a riveting Movie Jail courtroom session, a long-but-so-worth-it bizarre line reading, an exciting game of Pitch Session (Summer Movie Mash-Ups Edition), and so much more. Plus, for the first time in a long while – the full force of all three Pigs complaining at each other!

2 thoughts on “Podcast #94 – Movies About Summer”

  1. Believe it or not I watched THE BIKINI SHOP many times when I was a kid, having taped it off the TV.

    I was a big fan of raunchy summer comedies as a lad. I even watched Stephen Geoffreys in FRATERNITY VACATION more times than was perhaps healthy.

    But it wasn’t until Todd mentioned it that I finally twigged that it was the great Bruce Greenwood who played the sleazy guy in BIKINI SHOP. He certainly landed on his feet after that.

    1. I’m still mad JJ and company didn’t have the guts to keep Greenwood as Pike in the captain’s chair for another couple Star Trek reboot movies with Kirk as First Officer, Kirk finally getting the center seat when Pike buys it in the third movie.

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