Podcast #54 – Marvel vs. DC Comic Book Movies

The Film Pigs are back with a brand-new podcast for April. This episode is a regular podcast but minus Film Pig Stephen Falk, who is off having a successful career. However, the remaining unemployed Pigs are joined by special guest David T. Cole of Previously.TV and the fabulous Extra Hot Great podcast! Movie news, scintillating discussion, legal drama, and a challenging game are all packed into this episode. Plus, for the first time ever, a guest ambushes the Pigs with a surprise segment! (And for more of the great David T. Cole, give a listen to our commentary on Commando!)

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

  • 0:00:00 – Intro
  • 0:02:48 – Movie News
  • 0:13:16 – Host Stephen J. Skelton introduces this episode’s theme: Marvel vs. DC Comic Book Movies
  • 0:43:40 – Movie Jail
  • 0:52:30 – The Nic Cage Memorial Bizarre Line Reading
  • 0:57:19 – Straight to DVD Corner with Tonn Slingdog
  • 1:00:26 – Alter-Ego!
  • 1:18:51 – A SURPRISE segment from guest David T. Cole!
  • 1:28:45 – The Bottom 5 (6): Worst Comic Book Movies
  • 1:29:32 – A Moment of Positivity
  • 1:30:38 – Outro

*Before you ask, this episode has more echo than normal because we were recording with a single mic instead of our usual three since Windows can’t do aggregate devices. Let’s just agree it’s Todd’s fault.

4 thoughts on “Podcast #54 – Marvel vs. DC Comic Book Movies”

  1. I am so bored with comic book films now. It was fine when they made one or two a year, but a half dozen is overkill.

    Having said that if they ever make DREDD II you can hook that to my vains.

    You had SUPERMAN IV in your worst list, but for me SUPERMAN III is much worse. IV is entertaining in its badness but III is just dull, dull, dull and it’s 130 minutes to boot!

    Loved the game(s), they were much more rivetting, exciting and entertaining than any recent comic book movie I’ve watched!

    1. True, there are way too many CB movies nowadays, although I did enjoy Cap 2. I’m a sucker for crashing Helicarriers. I’ll give ASM2 a miss, get it in a Redbox at some point.

      An announcement of Dredd 2 would make me so happy. I hope Dredd never leaves Netflix streaming.

      Superman III only missed being on the list because it has Richard Pryor, and even in his truly terrible movies it’s hard for me not to love Pryor unconditionally. Also, Reeve’s drunk Superman flicking supersonic peanuts is fun.

      Our games were certainly not as dour and humorless as Man of Steel, that’s for sure!

      1. The first ASM is the exact point I got tired of comic book movies. Rebooting a 10 year old series and telling the origin story again? Enough is enough! The new(er) films don’t look to be doing anything significantly different to Raimi’s film to justify existing.

        1. Agreed. Although I like Garfield better than Toby as SM, the movie felt just as blah to me as the Raimi versions (wasn’t a huge fan of those). Add to that telling the same basic story again and you’ve lost me.

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