4 thoughts on “Awesome Choices, Mr. Cage!”

  1. Cage’s poster people tend to rip off Cruise’s poster people. The Bangcock Dangerous poster is a rip off of one of the EMission: Impossible posters and several of the Knowing posters rip off the War of the Worlds posters.

  2. I never really liked Nick Cage when he was Mr. Intensity in his earlier, more successful films. I’ve only really enjoyed him in Raising Arizona and… um… well, Face Off had a certain joie de vivre….

  3. Regarding the posters, I think the similarity comes from the fact that Cruise/Cage/Travolta posters are made in batches, and the title of the movie and the actor’s face are just added in later once they’ve signed onto a script. I bet some industry insider could get us the blanks that say “INSERT INTENSE CRUISE/CAGE/TRAVOLTA FACE HERE”.

  4. The last decent movie that Cage was in was Con Air, and he pretty much slept walked through that, the rest of the movie was carried equally by Malkovich and Cusack.
    I’m just glad he that failed to get his version of Superman made if his performance in the ghost rider movie is anything to go by. But I’m most angry about the movie Snake eyes, where apart from the pig’s breakfast of a plot, Cage plays a complete dick for nearly the whole movie. Why is he even being cast as the lead in movies any more, he should try and regain some credibility playing smaller supporting roles, so people can get to like him again and miss him as the lead.

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