Podcast #23 – Zombies!

The Film Pigs are back and we’re talking zombies! Slow zombies, fast zombies, angry zombies, blasé zombies, and even a few things that may or may not be zombies. And, yes, it’s impossible to talk about zombie movies without eventually discussing The Walking Dead, so add TV zombies in there as well. Plus, more of the stuff you love (or hate, we really don’t know): Movie News, Movie Jail, The Nic Cage Memorial Bizarre Line Reading, a Cold Reading, a rousing game of What’s Your Opinion?!, and – somehow, impossibly – not a single Cranberries joke.

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

  • 0:00:00 – Intro
  • 0:00:50 – Movie News
  • 0:04:39 – Host Todd Robert Anderson presents this episode’s theme: Zombies!
  • 0:29:33 – Movie Jail
  • 0:42:34 – The Nic Cage Memorial Bizarre Line Reading
  • 0:47:27 – A Cold Reading from NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD
  • 0:52:16 – What’s Your Opinion?!
  • 1:01:53 – The Bottom 5: Worst Zombie Movies Todd’s Ever Seen
  • 1:04:58 – A Moment Of Positivity
  • 1:05:59 – Outro

5 thoughts on “Podcast #23 – Zombies!”

  1. Another great episode with a subject near and dear to my heart. I noticed there was no mention of Savini’s Night remake, I understand that movie doesn’t get a lot of love but I did like it quite a bit. It had great effects (Savini, afterall) and I liked what they did with Barbara, it is a shame about the censoring though.

    Anyway, here’s to another year of Filmpigs. I hope you guys don’t leave us hanging and do give us a Haywire review. I want to know if Gina Carano kicks as much ass on-screen as off.

  2. Slow zombies are the obvious choice if you go the “reanimated corpse” route. Straight transformation from living humans opens the door for the speedy ones.

    Btw, the list of inmates at the RDNMCF really scares me about what kind of projects that could be cooked up in the GenPop cafeteria.

  3. I’d be very happy if of the zombie genre took about a decade off.

    For me SHAUN OF THE DEAD was the pinnacle of the recent zombie revival and should have retired the genre for a while.

    Bring back creepy little girls with long black hair. It’s been a few years since we’ve seen that and it always spooked me.

  4. You can’t look too far into zombies, its like duking out plot twists in gossip girls. Still its a great discussion just because you fellas are talking.

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