Podcast #9 – Chick Flicks

It’s our 9th podcast! [ LAME BEATLES JOKE REDACTED ] This episode, the Film Pigs go out on a limb and into the unfamiliar territory known as Chick Flicks. We’re more comfortable with heartfelt movies where people shoot each other in the face, so this is a stretch for us. Plus, Movie Jail, bizarre line readings, Tonn Slingdog’s Straight To DVD Corner, a high stakes pitch meeting, and more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

  • 0:00:00 – Intro
  • 0:01:19 – Movie News
  • 0:07:06 – NEW SEGMENT: Annoying Theater-Going Experiences (Alamo Drafthouse YouTube Bit)
  • 0:14:50 – Host Todd Robert Anderson presents this episode’s theme: Chick Flicks
  • 0:37:14 – Stephen Skelton presents a case to send someone to Movie Jail
  • 0:46:40 – The Nic Cage Memorial Bizarre Line Reading
  • 0:49:35 – Tonn Slingdog’s Straight To DVD Corner
  • 0:54:02 – Pitch Me!
  • 1:12:03 – The Bottom Five Most Hated Chick Flicks
  • 1:13:16 – A Moment Of Positivity
  • 1:16:27 – Outro

3 thoughts on “Podcast #9 – Chick Flicks”

  1. Great podcast, guys. And funny as fuck, especially during the pitch contest. Tonn, you are a made genius.

    As for chick flicks, for me the gold standard will probably always be Linlater’s BEFORE SUNRISE/SUNSET films. I think those movies are sublime, and I hope we get the next installment in the next couple of years.

    But those movies don’t have Kate Hudson, weddings and/or running in the rain so I guess they won’t ever appeal to a mainstream audience.

    Goddamn, I can’t fucking stand Kate Hudson…

  2. Great podcast. Even though you guys love to goof on movies, you can tell you really want to like them and see good ones made.

    Also, I think you need to make the games harder. They are not nearly convoluted and confusing enough.

  3. I love you guys. 🙂 I download these and play them in my car sometimes. Great podcast as per usual. That pitching game at the end was hilarious. I’d watch all those movies if they were ever made.

    Some interesting points brought up about the chick flicks. One thing that really bugs me about them is how often they have such cruel, selfish people treating their friends like crap, and playing the people the women are supposed to relate to. Like Kristen Wiig’s character in ‘Bridesmaids’, where I just ended up hating her half way through.

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