Podcast #4 – The Leading Man

We’re back with the latest episode of The Film Pigs Podcast! In an amazing feat of willpower, we’ve managed to produce four episodes on a semi-regular basis! This week, the Pigs take on the state of the Leading Man in Hollywood, and why all those Brits and Aussies have taken over the role of Action Hero. Plus, fun with cold readings, trivia, Movie Jail, and more!

This time, on a very special episode of The Film Pigs Podcast:

  • Movie News
  • This week’s host Stephen Falk rants on this episodes’s theme: The Leading Man
  • “What IS Vin Diesel?”
  • Todd nominates someone for Movie Jail
  • Nic Cage Memorial Bizarre Line Reading
  • Tonn Slingdog’s Straight-To-DVD Corner
  • Trivia!
  • A cold reading from Three Men And A Baby
  • The Bottom Five Leading Men
  • A Moment Of Positivity

5 thoughts on “Podcast #4 – The Leading Man”

  1. The podcast is still very exciting, keep it up, don’t get bored!
    Two questions:

    1) How could you leave out Nathan Filion? Is he too TV to be considered a leading man for film?

    2) Is Nicolas Cage retired from his own Bizarre Line Reading memorial? Even when there’s gold like this?

    1. I’d say that Fillion is more TV than movie leading man, which is probably why we didn’t consider him. Although, he’s a lot more interesting than most of his movie leading man counterparts (I’m a big Firefly and Slither fan).

      Cage is more the inspiration for the segment, but I wouldn’t rule out more from the master in the future.

  2. I think Todd brought up a good point. It really does seem like nowadays it’s about not having the actors upstaging the special effects. Which, honestly, is bullshit because we have some great action heroes who would really endear audiences without the help of special effects.

    I really enjoy people like Chris Pine and Matt Damon, all these guys that they’re trying to push up there; however, I really wish they would be given more of an opportunity. You guys are definitely right about those levels of blandness, but I think that, if not for that whole issue of them not wanting the actors to overshadow the special effects, that would change in a second for a lot of cases.

    As a side note, I think it’ll be pretty surreal to see Leonard Nimoy in ‘The Hobbit’ (assuming it’s more than just a rumour).

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