Podcast #134 – The Bacon: Director’s Cuts

We’ve reached the end of March, and to celebrate the rollout of pandemic vaccines (yes, they are real and they work) the Film Pigs bring you a very special episode of The Bacon! This time, Falk wasn’t available but Todd and Skelton talk Director’s Cuts in a very soothing NPR-ish style that takes a critical but fair look at Zack Snyder’s Justice League and other director’s cuts – most of which are less than FOUR HOURS LONG!

One thought on “Podcast #134 – The Bacon: Director’s Cuts”

  1. Todd: In the interests of ensuring that you remain woke:.Jason ‘Mimosa’ is a micro-aggression. In 131 you mentioned how the Tom Hanks Western didn’t properly and respectfully address the indigenous aspect of the plot but this casual joking with names smacks of an unfortunate hypocracy. Love the show..

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