Podcast #127 – Long-Gestating Sequels

The Pigs brave the SoCal heatwave to bring you an August podcast! This time, we’re celebrating the imminent release of Bill & Ted 3 by talking about long-gestating sequels. Plus, the usual nonsense like movie news, courtroom drama, games, and extra commentary on the cleaning habits of Todd’s dumb cat.

2 thoughts on “Podcast #127 – Long-Gestating Sequels”

  1. The big omission here is obviously PROMETHEUS. Or ALIEN: COVENANT if you’re one of those: “But PROMETHEUS is not a true ALIEN sequel!” jerk-offs.

    1. PROMETHEUS is a good catch – Todd probably left it out because we all found it to be a pretty boring movie. Or maybe he was counting the ALIEN VS. PREDATOR movies as part of the Alien franchise proper, like some kind of jerk-off.

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